UFO over Irving, Texas
Loren Eisely, original author of "the Star
Thrower" once wrote a bit of prose talking about "the Great
Silence" this impenetrable void of loneliness experienced by human kind,
and how we desperately seek to discover a non-human intelligence that is as
deep and profound as ourselves. In this prose, he proposed dolphins being the
closest in rival intelligence that might
break through the barrier, propelling us out of the Great Silence into an era
of heighten interconnectedness, connecting souls like stars, and I am being
absurdly liberal and poetic with what I think he was attempting communicate.
But as I write this, I am not feeling poets, but
rather pessimistic. Not that Other isn't out there, or that humanity might not
discover it in my life time, but that I fear we are so perversely locked into
ourselves that we can't access anything outside of the filters we have
installed, even if it was staring us right in the face. Evidence for this goes beyond
the 'Gorilla' experiment, where a gorilla could prance across a live street or
a stage and no one on the street or in the audience would see the gorilla. This
is a real phenomena that you can google if you don’t believe me. There are lots of examples of that sort of
thing, and I am not even describing misdirection, but a magician can certain
fool our eyes, even when we know it’s a trick!
But another example, for me, is the Mars Rock mystery. A while back
someone found a Mars rock which seemed to have fossilized evidence of Martian
life. Notice, I am not saying they found actual Martian life. They could have
just found something that occurs in nature that resembles evidence of life. If
you don't know about this rock, that would add weight to my theory we hear what
we want hear. But I include the Mars rock for a different reason. For those
paying attention to these sorts of things, a very peculiar incident happened.
President Clinton gave an impromptu speech on the White House Lawn to a dozen
or so reporters, and spoke about the possibility of non-terrestrial, non-Earthly,
biological life in outer space, and that maybe we were not alone, and what a
significant impact this would be in history and on us. You don't have to take
my word on it. Google President Clinton, alien life speech, Mars rock, and you
will find a youtube video on it. Here's what I find perverse. The President of
the United State basically said we might not be alone in the Universe on prime
time television. Do you know what the first question was? The reporter who
chimed in asked about Clinton opinions about the senate debate on abortion
rights. Excuse me? Were you so caught up in your personal agenda that you
didn't hear what the President just said.
Since Roswell, a growing segment of society as
woven conspiracy theories into her dialectic, and in recent years that has been
incredible pressure on the government to come clean about aliens. Again, not
arguing that there are aliens, right? Just noting that a large majority of
people claim they believe and that the government knows something, and given
Scifi what it is today, I bet the world’s population is not going to run in
panic. I mean, really, where are you going to run to? Every President since
Ford has tried to talk about aliens, but it was either shut down, or just
laughed off. I almost imagine Clinton being advised not to do the speech, not
because the men in black would take him out or prevent it, but because,
"No one will hear you." Ronald Reagan spoke to the United Nations saying,
and I am again paraphrasing, "Maybe humanity needs an alien presence to
get us on the same page and cooperating with each other." Both Clinton and
Obama have been interviewed on television and have discussed the possibility of
aliens, and the conversations seem bizarre to me, playful like they are joking,
and at the same time, not joking, as if allowing for plausible deniability.
Okay, so, what's the point? Why I am writing about
this. Well, because I witnessed something. I am not saying its aliens. I was
not alone in witnessing said event and there was no alcohol involved. When one says
they witnessed something, one tends to have to put it in context, as if I were
expecting to hit a wall. So far, I haven't hit a wall; I have hit a void! There
are all sorts of UFO advocates you can google, and none seem interested in
responding to what we witnessed. The local news didn't pick it up. And I am
iterating here, I am not arguing for aliens. It's probably human and mundane,
but out of the ordinary for me and my friends. In terms of intensity, length of
time, proximity, and the potential for this being as big a sighting as the
Phoenix lights were, I don’t understand why this isn’t like viral. But, life
goes on. I know the others neighbors saw me and my next door neighbors out
watching the event. The continued on with their life, not even curious about
what we were watching. It’s almost as if
in order to be heard you have to shout, and by the time you’re shouting loud
enough to draw attention, people think you’re mad, crazy mad and angry mad, and
for me it’s certainly not worth that sort of drama.
It’s not what men see that drive us mad, it’s the
lack of ability to effectively communicate our experiences to others and remain
connected. It’s the lack of an intelligent response. Maybe I shouldn’t be
surprised we can’t find Others out there; most the time, we can’t even find
another right here.
I was going to end this, but that would be a
terrible tease, right. If you want to know what my neighbors and I witnessed,
feel free to read on. If not, well, it’s okay.
Fellow human,
Feb 17, 2017, at approximately 8:40pm (20:40
central) I became aware of a particular light in the sky. It was significant in
size and brilliance, and radiated in a star beams. From my location in Irving,
I was facing west, and though I assumed it could be an airplane, as DFW airport
is right there; this was not that, it didn’t behave like I was accustomed. This
was not an aircraft on final approach. That was not the active runways; I
happen to know traffic was landing from the north and taking off to the south.
I invited my neighbors to come out and witness said event. Oh, and then I grabbed
my phone and proceeded to try and capture it, because, you know, who doesn’t
want to join the ranks of people making crappy phone videos of strange lights
in the skies and being ridiculed. Sign me up for that.
But I was curious. I was also excited and wanted
to see something dramatic. And capture that! I mean, who wouldn’t, right? In
the video, you will hear my neighbors joke about running away to Utah, or if
this were the invasion we’re like toast… I am sure that’s just uncomfortable
fear and musing. One of my neighbors echoed my sentiment, if it was aliens and
they wanted humanity dead, well, we’d be dead, and we wouldn’t see them coming.
And I am certainly not saying this is aliens.
Let’s be clear on that. I don’t know what it was. I can only report what I witnessed.
And so, here is this light. Additionally, there were probably a dozen
helicopters orbiting this object. You can clearly see helicopters going past
the object, behind the object, and one went over head. Okay, so what, you may
say. Well, if they were police helicopters, looking for say a bank robber,
wouldn’t they have their search lights on? Wouldn’t they be like lighting the
ground up, helping the ground crews to net up hypothetical bad guy? I am just
saying. I am trying to make logical sense out of this thing we are seeing.
Surely, my neighbors and I aren’t the only witness. This is huge. And if,
hypothetically, you lean towards explanations from the paranormal kind, well,
do helicopters chase ghosts?
I have been asked to speculate. I don’t want to.
Oh, that so doesn’t mean I don’t have preferences or wants. Anyone who knows me
will tell you, I am definitely in the “I believe life is prevalent throughout
the universe” camp. I mean, scientifically speaking, if life developed here,
through natural means, it’s going to happen elsewhere. I have never seen one
thing in nature. In fact, science hates ‘one thing phenomena” to the point, if
you can’t reproduce said thing, “it didn’t happen,” which technically means we
didn’t happen, I am not here, you’re not reading this, by that logic, but since
we are in agreement that we did happen, well, that’s the conundrum, right?
This event didn’t end with a bang, or sudden right
hand turns, or object vanishing leaving fading light trail into the heavens. I
so wanted that! Believe me, when you see something that doesn’t seem mundane,
you want Hollywood production level amazement. I wonder if that’s a problem. We
are all so caught up looking for amazing that we miss the sacred right in front
of us, that surrounds us daily. I am a retired airline employee; I have 24
years of experience watching aircraft come and go. I am confident this was not
that. I am a counselor in the mental health field, and I am fairly confident I
am reasonably well adjusted. I am willing to hedge my bets on that last one and
allow others to judge. I can say I am human.
If you want to take a look at said object, the
link is at the bottom. I uploaded several to youtube, thinking if I do share,
friend are going to want access, and so I am not just going to send it to phone
to phone. I am okay if you share the link. Feel free to share this report,
which either adds evidence to something reasonably interesting, even if the
video is boring, or evidence that maybe my grounding in reality is not so strong.
And I am okay if you lean that way, too, because, and quite frankly, reality is
over rated.
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