Awareness Directive Outcomes- ADO
What does 'The Secret," by Rhonda Byrne. 'Quantum Jumping,' by Burt Goldman, and 'Reality Transurfing' by Vadim Zeland have in common? They are all protocols for accessing reality and altering life outcomes through awareness as if you are Neo in the Matrix- only we're skipping the red pill and simply waking-up.
Carlos Castaneda, Wayne Dyer, Depak Chopra, Terence McKenna, and Doctor Stanislav "Stan" Grof have offered me insight that hint at this very thing to. DMT entities, higher dimensional pathways, a sense of oneness that goes beyond our scope of daily consciousness offering a profound connection that at times almost seems tangible, such as when Carl Jung gave us the 'collective unconsciousness." But it goes back forever. Poets like Rumi, Whitman, and Blake tap in on this. Asian philosophies and western, non mainstream spiritual ideas from the gnostics to the invisible college tap in on this.
Steven Macon Greer, Doctor, and UFO-olgogist, has a protocol that more often than not results in people experiencing UFO's and or aliens, or, at least inexplicable and at times paranormal like activities.
What if it is all related, and the protocols work? Clearly, changing one's life and or calling forth healing and or magic isn't enough, or anyone who ever hit their thumb with a hammer or wanted to see an alien or a ghost would likely have manifested something interesting. has protocols for helping people make tulpas- a second, sentient personality that can be experienced with every sense and interactions can seem as real, if not realer than normal interaction with people. Maybe that's not related in an obvious way, until you realize that Napoleon Hill's 'Invisible Counselor' technique, provided in his class self help book, 'think and grow rich,' uses that as a technique for improving oneself. He wrote very clearly, it worked and he got answers that he did not believe were possible for him to of thought up. Philemon was likely Carl Jung's tulpa, an entity called into being through his practice of Active Imagination.
Reality Transurfing seems like the new kid on the block, but it has my attention. It's holding my attention better than 'the Celestine prophecies," and "A Course in Miracles." One of things I am not so sure about is the discussion of the 'plate,' or psychic dreads. Mostly, I am just not sure how they arrived at this invisible structure. Not saying it isn't there... There are lots of things I don't know how they came up, like Chakras. Clearly there is something to Chinese Energy points and Chi, as acupuncture does work for folks. Ingo Swan, in his book 'Psychic Sexuality,' did however describe quite a number of 'psychic' structures that people have and they seem to use it unknowingly on everyone in their sphere of influence. At least when it comes to Ingo, I have a better understanding of where how he came at his information.
Tufti Itfut, the Goddess of Vadim Zeland's narrative explanation of transurfing, has a number of videos. The first were in Russian, and I think one is subtitled. If I did this correctly, clicking on Tufti's name leads to her English youtube channel has a number of videos to watch. I suspect one of the complaints to watching her might be that she is a bit harsh. I agree. I can almost imagine her being a cross between Dominatrix and military drill Sergeant: "WAKE UP, you slimy sloth. No one loves you. Not even your mother loves you, or she would taught you better." But Tufti loves you, and that is why she threatens to wake you up or beat you up.
If messages of 'peace and love and hippies and light another joint, eat more Lotus Flowers, have a coke a cola and a song because it is one world' did not wake you up, why would you think another kindly delivered message of peace would? Wake up! Smell the coffee. What wakes you up from a dream? A nightmare or pleasant things? Did it occur to you that 'the Secret' is a lie because it engages people in seeking more material comforts as a measure of success, when maybe that is the opposite of what you need to wake up? It's easy to be grateful when you have it all, right? Maybe we have always been in the dream. Maybe even heaven is the dream. Maybe hardship and impending doom is the wake up call.
One of the artifacts Tufti presented caught my attention, the idea that 'action' is as much illusion our believed ability to choose. There is a scientific study where people were asked to make conscious decisions inside an fMRI, and it turns out that people are not making decisions; the neuroscientist say the brain is making decisions, before the people are consciously aware of making the decision. Perceived choice was confabulation, a fiction uploaded into consciousness. The disparity in making the decisions and being consciously aware of believing we made decisions is anywhere from 80 milliseconds to upwards of 3 seconds, or more depending on the study. Technicians could tell a person what they decided before they knew they decided. (Doctor Michael Gazzaniga's book, 'Who's in Charge' discusses this and other neuroscience ideas that suggest consciousness is an illusion.) Milton Erikson, famous hypnotherapist, said something similar in that the subconscious makes our decisions 99 percent of the time, and we go with it on autopilot, like a marionette- and it's not will power or conscious determination that changes life outcomes, but deep subconscious work. Your material is illuminating.
Maybe all the esoteric magic people aren't so crazy after all. This ability can only be true if consciousness is paramount. The science of the day wants to minimize consciousness, wants to minimize our roles in life outcomes. And in some ways, that's comforting because then I am not responsible for my reality. When I try to put this into a meta-perspective, I keep revisiting the movie "They Live." Off the wall, B=movie, but absolutely brilliant. Guy finds a pair glasses that allows him to see reality. Every magazine, every television broadcast, all money, bill boards had subliminal messages "stay asleep, this is your god, breed..." And there were aliens among us.
I don't think it's a conspiracy. I do think the reality frame we find ourselves in it has traps that keep us in Plato's cave until we reach a consistency of awareness that allows for our growth and the growth of others. That is my opinion. I just don't buy into it's all doom and gloom. I don't think it's any one person against us, or the world against us, but it us against ourselves. When it comes to sabotaging my life, it was always I that did the most damage. And so, I walk with the intent to be aware, to make informed choices, and minimize harmful effects on my environment or others. I try not to unintentionally cause harm. I am not trying to not live- if I am going to make an impact, it is my intention to make it meaningful. I will mess up. But so far, every time I have written something and shared it, I have made a new friend, gained a new insight. This is me living intentionally. This is me sharing. It is me applying my awareness into a goal with an expected outcome. To connect with other, human or alien or both.
Carlos Castaneda, Wayne Dyer, Depak Chopra, Terence McKenna, and Doctor Stanislav "Stan" Grof have offered me insight that hint at this very thing to. DMT entities, higher dimensional pathways, a sense of oneness that goes beyond our scope of daily consciousness offering a profound connection that at times almost seems tangible, such as when Carl Jung gave us the 'collective unconsciousness." But it goes back forever. Poets like Rumi, Whitman, and Blake tap in on this. Asian philosophies and western, non mainstream spiritual ideas from the gnostics to the invisible college tap in on this.
Steven Macon Greer, Doctor, and UFO-olgogist, has a protocol that more often than not results in people experiencing UFO's and or aliens, or, at least inexplicable and at times paranormal like activities.
What if it is all related, and the protocols work? Clearly, changing one's life and or calling forth healing and or magic isn't enough, or anyone who ever hit their thumb with a hammer or wanted to see an alien or a ghost would likely have manifested something interesting. has protocols for helping people make tulpas- a second, sentient personality that can be experienced with every sense and interactions can seem as real, if not realer than normal interaction with people. Maybe that's not related in an obvious way, until you realize that Napoleon Hill's 'Invisible Counselor' technique, provided in his class self help book, 'think and grow rich,' uses that as a technique for improving oneself. He wrote very clearly, it worked and he got answers that he did not believe were possible for him to of thought up. Philemon was likely Carl Jung's tulpa, an entity called into being through his practice of Active Imagination.
Reality Transurfing seems like the new kid on the block, but it has my attention. It's holding my attention better than 'the Celestine prophecies," and "A Course in Miracles." One of things I am not so sure about is the discussion of the 'plate,' or psychic dreads. Mostly, I am just not sure how they arrived at this invisible structure. Not saying it isn't there... There are lots of things I don't know how they came up, like Chakras. Clearly there is something to Chinese Energy points and Chi, as acupuncture does work for folks. Ingo Swan, in his book 'Psychic Sexuality,' did however describe quite a number of 'psychic' structures that people have and they seem to use it unknowingly on everyone in their sphere of influence. At least when it comes to Ingo, I have a better understanding of where how he came at his information.
Tufti Itfut, the Goddess of Vadim Zeland's narrative explanation of transurfing, has a number of videos. The first were in Russian, and I think one is subtitled. If I did this correctly, clicking on Tufti's name leads to her English youtube channel has a number of videos to watch. I suspect one of the complaints to watching her might be that she is a bit harsh. I agree. I can almost imagine her being a cross between Dominatrix and military drill Sergeant: "WAKE UP, you slimy sloth. No one loves you. Not even your mother loves you, or she would taught you better." But Tufti loves you, and that is why she threatens to wake you up or beat you up.
If messages of 'peace and love and hippies and light another joint, eat more Lotus Flowers, have a coke a cola and a song because it is one world' did not wake you up, why would you think another kindly delivered message of peace would? Wake up! Smell the coffee. What wakes you up from a dream? A nightmare or pleasant things? Did it occur to you that 'the Secret' is a lie because it engages people in seeking more material comforts as a measure of success, when maybe that is the opposite of what you need to wake up? It's easy to be grateful when you have it all, right? Maybe we have always been in the dream. Maybe even heaven is the dream. Maybe hardship and impending doom is the wake up call.
One of the artifacts Tufti presented caught my attention, the idea that 'action' is as much illusion our believed ability to choose. There is a scientific study where people were asked to make conscious decisions inside an fMRI, and it turns out that people are not making decisions; the neuroscientist say the brain is making decisions, before the people are consciously aware of making the decision. Perceived choice was confabulation, a fiction uploaded into consciousness. The disparity in making the decisions and being consciously aware of believing we made decisions is anywhere from 80 milliseconds to upwards of 3 seconds, or more depending on the study. Technicians could tell a person what they decided before they knew they decided. (Doctor Michael Gazzaniga's book, 'Who's in Charge' discusses this and other neuroscience ideas that suggest consciousness is an illusion.) Milton Erikson, famous hypnotherapist, said something similar in that the subconscious makes our decisions 99 percent of the time, and we go with it on autopilot, like a marionette- and it's not will power or conscious determination that changes life outcomes, but deep subconscious work. Your material is illuminating.
Maybe all the esoteric magic people aren't so crazy after all. This ability can only be true if consciousness is paramount. The science of the day wants to minimize consciousness, wants to minimize our roles in life outcomes. And in some ways, that's comforting because then I am not responsible for my reality. When I try to put this into a meta-perspective, I keep revisiting the movie "They Live." Off the wall, B=movie, but absolutely brilliant. Guy finds a pair glasses that allows him to see reality. Every magazine, every television broadcast, all money, bill boards had subliminal messages "stay asleep, this is your god, breed..." And there were aliens among us.
I don't think it's a conspiracy. I do think the reality frame we find ourselves in it has traps that keep us in Plato's cave until we reach a consistency of awareness that allows for our growth and the growth of others. That is my opinion. I just don't buy into it's all doom and gloom. I don't think it's any one person against us, or the world against us, but it us against ourselves. When it comes to sabotaging my life, it was always I that did the most damage. And so, I walk with the intent to be aware, to make informed choices, and minimize harmful effects on my environment or others. I try not to unintentionally cause harm. I am not trying to not live- if I am going to make an impact, it is my intention to make it meaningful. I will mess up. But so far, every time I have written something and shared it, I have made a new friend, gained a new insight. This is me living intentionally. This is me sharing. It is me applying my awareness into a goal with an expected outcome. To connect with other, human or alien or both.
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