Too Old For This?
I have discovered the greatest toy ever: Necomimi. Don’t feel bad if you have to google that. I had to. If you don’t want to look it up, let me inform you of my discovery. Someone has invented wearable ‘cat’ ears with neuro techniology built into the headband that causes the ears to essentiall respond based on your thoughts and moods. How cool is that?! Right, and, then, clearly, I am like, ‘oh, I don’t think I am the intended target consumer.’
I mean, in like a flash, I saw my entire life change in a multitude of directions. I am to old of this. I am too old to care. Oh, I would so risk ridicule if this comes in Spock ears. And then, the travesty of it all hit me like a ton of bricks and I was angry. Am angry? Okay, follow me on this. My present day cell phone, an I-phone, has more computing power than all the computers on the space shuttle before NASA retired it. Litterally, if they were stuck in orbit and I could beam up with my I-phone, I could potentiall save the day! Just saying. Back to reality. The greatest APP on my phone, the one that gets utilized daily, is Pokemon Go. I like playing Pokemon go, I cant least one pokemon, once a day. They can make ‘cat ears’ that respond to brainwaves, but I don’t have a single, quality APP that can capture real time biometrics in order to use biofeedback and neurofeedback technology to improve health. Seriously, we have all of this computing power at our disposal and not a single thing to help a person calm the F down, or zen out, but you will make crazy thinking I can actually catch them all?!
OMG, right?! I can’t think of practical use for any of the present day APPS that improve my day to day functioning. FB is not only a waste of time, but according to the WHO, world health oranization, not Doctor WHO, which would be a useful APP, there is evidence FB may actually increase the rates of depression. Is there an APP that can help block solicitors? That would be useful! Seriously, give me an APP so that I can find all the solicitors personal numbers so that I can call them on their cell phone at random times of the day or night. Even the playingfield, is what I say.
Neurowear, the category that Necomimi falls under, could totally revolutionize the way we think and wear clothes. Think Moodrings times a thousand. Next time you see a person wearing a red shirt, maybe it’s not always red, but that is your new indicator to steer away from that person because their shirt is broadcasting “I am angry.” That could be useful information when navigating the streets. Or how about shirts that flourese when you approach someone who you have something in common with. That could be a cool way of meeting new friends. But why wait to have cool rabit ears and shirts that flourese when we already have a device that could do it all?! Seriously, how many people go anywhere without a cell? Why don’t we have electronic business cards that all we have to do is bump cellphones to exchange information? Why don’t we have live maps where people can log on and allow other people interested in a coffee meet suddenly no, oh, there is someone else that would like to have coffee!
Our technology is completely out of sync with our needs, and absolutely under utilized. If someone can make cat ears that can respond to my thoughts, then where is my APP so that my phone can help me track my brainwaves, or even let modify my brainwaves? Where is the APP that allows me to watch heart rate and respiration and and actually tune in and participate in pursuing improvement? I only know of one, heart math, which has a device for the I-phone, and it is above 200$s. People can make cat ears that respond to thought for less, so, again, where is my bio/neurofeeback tech?!
Just saying.
I hope these really fun toys get here before I am really too old to play. Or care.
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