the face on mars before there was a 'face on mars'

Might as well read the above blog before you read my blog, if you even read my blog. Do I even have an audience? Does Google Blog actually get read? Am I readable?  Of course, I don't necessarily write because I want an audience, and I definitely don't want to be a guru, I am just interested in stuff, the same stuff these other folks are interested in and their math seems to add up to the same math I am doing that there is something interesting, weird, maybe even metaphysical or paranormal going on in the world.

I don't want to list all the interesting coincidence in the above blog, as they written there, and in other places... just like Anthony peak writes about the 'anomaly' of the Rapper band in 2001 that put out an album cover of the twin towers blowing up that looked very much like what really happened in Sept in that year, before it even happened...

Coincidence? Maybe. what, almost 9 billion people and humans are pretty creative, so coincidences are plausible. But it could also be evidence of telepathy. Could also be evidence that Carl Jung was more right about the collective unconscious than we like to think about, because, it's spooky thinking about this stuff... and so In the above blog, they reference Minority Report, Phillip K Dick future world of psychic police, and compared the protocols of what he wrote well before the revelation that the US government was engaging in 'psychic spies. "Men Who Stare at Goats" isn't just a comedy. The US engaged in this. But we still take this concept even further if you take Trollenberg movie of 'the crawling eye' as evidence of the first psychic spy, and that was what, 1958?

I dabble. This stuff fascinates me. I thought others were interested in this stuff the way I was, but it turns out, lots of people are kind of afraid of this stuff, and they box it up pretty quick and walk away from it, where as I want to go deeper.

Let's say you have discovered a television, and the first thing you tune into is a horror movie. You don't conclude that TV is evil, you just change the channel. There are sorts of things to channel. Educational programs. Comedies. Dramas. Sci Fi fantasies. I like engaging this stuff, even if it's just a version of Carl Jung's "active Imagation," or actual "remote viewing," or day dreaming, or astral projecting, or tulpamancy and wonderlands... It seems like there is a place beyond the veil and we touch it and regardless of time or culture lots of people have touched it and reported back weird stuff, but consistently weird that, wow, why isn't this the stuff we all talk and write about all the time?


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