the futre of humanity includes tulpas
This conversation, though speculative,
is not science fiction. This is in the works, with powers behind it as
formative as Elon Musk and Bill Gates, to achieve a brain-computer interface,
and brains have already experienced brain to brain linkage in small ways
between humans, the first thoughts have been shared remotely, and brain to
computers to operate robotic limbs is a reality. But I want to explore even
further, something I encountered this morning, something, I dare say puts those
human hosts with tulpas at the forefront of something that would make us,
tulpamancer, the host and tulpas themselves, very likely the leaders of the
future. I would argue we are so strategically placed in terms of collaborative
inner lives that we are already changing the nature of what it means to be
‘human’ and though we are presently considered ‘fringe’ we’re are on the
forefront of discovery. I would argue we are even better placed than ‘plural
systems’ who by their own definition exist due to trauma, because what we do as
host/tulpa systems is more cooperative from the beginning, whereas system
created by trauma is usually fractured and disruptive until all the
personalities are reigned in under a collective agreement that allows a person
to navigate real world systems in greater degrees of functionality.
I am going to first share with you a very precise and
particular forward glance at our changing reality, something that is coming
down the pike, and will no doubt transform society, and then leave it open for
discussion between tulpas and host, and any others, on how we are already navigating these
unchartered waters, and maybe even make deliberate strides to be so well placed
that our fringe status might change to the forerunners that help establish
protocols, and future interaction patterns for society to emulate, just as
surely as Jules Verne and HG Wells shaped the things to come.
The quote comes from Global Stretegic Trends- Out to 2045,
which you can google for yourself and read the free PDF. I admit to not finding
it at its source, though I do tend to read this sort of thing, especially if it
comes from the World Health Organization: “Direct Interfacing:”
“It is possible that direct brain to brain communication may
be achieved by 2045, transforming ways of working… these methods could involve
collaboration and using directly shared knowledge and experience between human
(and potentially between humans and other species)… As wells as potentially
transforming both sensing and decision making, direct brain linkage could have
profound implications for social interaction and the notion of what it means to
be an individual human being. Notions of individuality could be challenged,
possibly leading to questioning of the loyalties and allegiances to
organizations, as individual and group identities merge,”
There is so much here we could spends days dissecting it
all, especially the part about 'other species," but I am most affected by
the last sentence, the notions of individuality being challenged because I as a
system already don’t operate in isolation, and though I may make command
decisions, in truth I have embarked upon an inner collaboration that requires
serious consideration of others. I am not just me. In truth, this should
already be within the framework of our communities, but it only takes a casual
glance to note most communities don’t hold onto concepts of inclusivity as much
as they tend towards exclusion and separation, as we are frequently blocking
and challenging the sense of ‘other’ so much so that even our politics are so
disparate in philosophies that we consider the opponent the enemy, as opposed
to people who are working towards a better system for interacting. Even the
tightest of human groups find ways to exclude other, and divide themselves
further, resulting in quiet feuds that drive us ultimately apart.
Direct brain to brain interaction is likely to change
everything, or the article wouldn’t have addressed the question of 'loyalties
and allegiances'. Direct brain to brain may mean we will be forced to better
collaborate, because we won’t be able to make decisions without considering the
other in the equation. Most people think of themselves as themselves. A
tulpamancer considers his or herself as a part of a greater community. We are
by design, or accident, a reflection of that thing that is coming. Whether it
is fate or happenstance, we may have unknowingly just made ourselves to be
leaders, or guides, to the new world. Further, when brain to computer systems
are so developed that a personality may navigate artificial landscapes, our
tulpas may find themselves equally free, within that greater system and that,
too is a potential game changer, as the people we meet in-system will suddenly
have access to all of us. Who we truly are will no longer be a secret.
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