Monkey See, Monkey-go to jail... the ice cream (de)bait.

I avoid the news. I don't like news. I don't like the negativity, the bias, the stupidity, the inner rants I get into as I try to rationalize why we, people, do stupid stuff, and why society seems to do stupid stuff. Unfortunately, I live with people and there are some people who love news and gossip and they bring me stuff and sometimes I get caught up in an interested before I realize I have just been hooked.

Girl licks ice cream, puts it back, going to jail for twenty years.

Really? Oh, damn it. Alright, I bit. I am in. Seriously, twenty years? Turns out she is facing twenty years, but because she's a juvenile, probably going to get off lightly. The guy recording the event, turns out he is an adult. He could face some serious jail time.

My first observation/question: "Doesn't the court and Blue Bell and the media know that if they put this on television and give it a harsh penalty, they guarantee it will happen again."

Friend "That's why they got to be so hars, what a waste, 17 year old not even out of highschool, going to jail for 20 years..."

"Well, the days of Mayberry are gone, but still- that won't stop copy cats. Back in the day when they hung pick-pocketers, the people watching the hanging had their pockets picked! People have no discernment! They will want their five minutes of fame damn the consequences. Some people will think it will be funny and just do it to see if they can get away with it. Some people will do it just because they're insane. Some people will do as formal protest to the harshness of the punishment not fitting the crime."

Friend- "She technically stole ice cream, but put people at risk for diseases."

Me, "Technically stole ice cream, probably not going to kill anyone. Hell, might improve someone's immune system. Hell, if she's cute, I eat the ice cream she licked."

Friend- "You're sick. They're already having copy cats. They have started chaining the ice cream doors at the stores."

ME. "OMG, people are so stupid. They would have been better covering this up, and simply started plasticly, hermetically sealing ice cream."

Friend- "Oh! I hate that stuff. It never comes off in one piece and you needs scissors just punch a hole in it to even start pulling it, and then you get ice cream on your hand..."

Me- "Want me to lick it off?"

Friend- "You're sick."

Me- "I am sick? I am not putting stupid teenagers in jail for 20 years. Maybe they could put chemicals in the ice cream that turns it blue if someone licks it."

Friend- 'what do you do if it's blueberry?"

Me- "Um, it turns the tongue blue. The guy that checks receipts when you leave Walmart, now he has to check your tongue. Maybe I could get a job as tongue checker."

Friend- 'you're sick.'

Me- "How am I sick? They've known since the 80s when that guy put poison in the Tylenol that they need to protect consumers from maliciousness and stupidness, because some people are malicious and lots of people are stupid, and some people just imitate malicious and stupid because they never had a good idea of their own. Media celebrates stupid. They don't even need shows like Jackass, they have the 6 o'clock news! We need a pathway to move stupid people down the road without making them criminals. Cause if it's not stupid, it's a mental health issue, and that's not criminal, that's just mental health. All people do stupid things, every once and a while. We need more smart people in criminal justice, like Andy Taylor. It's just part of being human that kids will do stupid. Everything can't be criminal."

Friend- "why do I even talk to you?"

Me- "I don't know. Why did you bring this to me?"

Friend- "I don't know. I thought you might be amused."

Me- "I am not amused. I can probably spin amused. I am sure we can milk this bluebell fiasco for comedic overtaures."

friend- "bluebell, or blue balls?"

me- "And now I want ice cream."

Friend- "You just want to watch someone unlock and lock the ice cream."

Me- "yeah, probably. I wonder if Jen and Berry have any Jessica Pebsworth flavors..."

Friend- "You're sick."

me- "Jessica Pubes-worth flavor?"

friend "gross!"

me "lick-tastic!"

friend- "Why do I even hang out with you?!"

me- "I got to get my news from somewhere. "


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