talking aliens
Let’s talk aliens. No,
seriously, let’s talk, aliens.
I am of the opinion, have always been of this
opinion, there are aliens. They are here, now. They have always been with us.
Yes, I had a paper back copy of the ‘chariots of the gods’ in the 70s and ‘other’
UFO literature. I watched the TV series ‘Project Bluebook.’ I watched Star
Trek! Aliens, real and fiction, populated my childhood life. I dare anyone to
give me a present-day alien conspiracy theory that I can’t relate back to an
episode of Star Trek. I even thought about writing that book. It’s been
written. By someone more studious and knowledgeable than I. If you can find a
copy of, ‘alien book here’ I recommend it: "Hollywood Vs. The Aliens," by Bruce Rux.
I don’t know how to
engage in the discussion that will bring more meaning to it. I am baffled by
arguments for and against. For example, when the US Government released
'updated' information about the Roswell crash, in what, the late 90s, after years of
saying it was nothing but a weather balloon, adding that there were essentially
crashed test dummies in the balloon to study what happens to bodies at high altitudes. So, first up, the government lied- at least in as much that
there was more to the story. But the new information just raises another
question- something I don’t remember anyone else being bothered by. Am I really
expected to believe that a farmer from the 1940’s can’t discern the difference
between mannequins and flesh and blood? He has livestock, right? Probably seen
a dead carcass before. Flesh looks different than plastic. Or, take the Phoenix
incident. Explain how ‘flares’ fly in
formation? For upwards of an hour. Explain how a formation of flares pings in
on both aircraft and ATC radars? Why does ATC tell an American Airlines plane
on final approach to go around? But most astounding to me was the fact that I
did not learn about this sighting until June, when it made front page of the
USA Today newspaper. The incident happened in March! Why did something that was
witness by so many people, including aircraft and ATC and the Phoenix
International airport towers take months to go public? Could it possibly be that
one can’t keep that many witnesses silent? Were the News agency were forced to
comment? The Dallas News that night gave it maybe 30 seconds of air time and
made jokes. Their jokes were not as contemptuous as the one the Governor of Arizona
pulled at the conference. (I am not the only one to draw a comparison to the movie Close Encounters, when the meeting with the governor had brought in a Big Foot guy.)
Why does everyone giggle,
ridicule, scoff, and change the subject? Why are we so uncomfortable with this
So, I am interested,
sometimes a little angry, at how dismissive reporters and journalists have been
to the subject. Doesn’t one actually have to investigate something before you
draw a conclusion? I am extremely concerned by the hostility from the
academics, especially scientists. So, if we forget all previous evidence for
UFO’s to date, and only go with the ‘Tic Tac” UFO incident, released by the US
Government, believe it or not, once again we are faced with evidence of lying.
Specifically, the government had denied any active investigations of the
phenomena since Project Bluebook. In fact, they were spending millions to track ‘aerial
phenomenon!’ Okay, I get that. I actually appreciate lying. Sometimes, it is
necessary. House MD, “Everybody lies!”
People lie for all kinds
of reasons. We lie to kids, appropriately, when we don’t answer precisely to a
question that requires an emotional and or age level criteria for full disclosure.
Sometimes we lie for fun. Santa Clause is a fun lie, isn’t it? Sometimes we lie to test understanding, to see if someone will call our bluff. We give people,
especially children, information based on their ability to understand and cope. Do you
remember when the towers came down? The first Presidential speech that followed
wasn’t full of ‘stay home, be with family, mourn…’ It could have been. For the
first time in a long time, we came together as a nation. We could have gone so
many different ways with that. I got married directly after that. That wife was
at the World Trade Center when the first plane hit. The second plane went over
her head. She walked back to Astoria. Not one single crime was reported that
day. Business handed out shoes and water to people leaving the city. We came
together. The first Presidential speech wasn’t about this, it was about ‘go
back to work. Business as usual.’ Seriously, if people had stayed home, the
economy would have tanked worse than it did, people would have gone hungry. Food would
not have been distributed. Now, imagine, the government comes out and says UFOs
are real. What would happen.
Nothing. They just proved
that with the tic tac release. The world continued to operate the way that it does.
We are now ready for a bigger level of disclosure. It’s coming. The people in
power needed to be certain that all of society doesn’t come to a halt when this story comes out. People
will need to go to work, do what they do to keep the food and the structure
going, because if the structure fails, lots of people die.
Back to the thing that
bothers me about academics. Multiple ‘scientists’ including Neil DeGrasse
Tyson, were interviewed on TV about the object, watching the video footage with us, ripe for commentary. There was
laughter, some scorn. I will even say there were some reasonable statements as
well, such as “there is insufficient information here to make conclusions.” I
disagree with that statement, but I can accept that as a reasonable statement.
This is my question, though. When I see this video, and I see an object that
makes right angle turns, defying ‘physics’ and has no visible means of
propulsion, my next question after “I have insufficient information to draw a
conclusions” is “Can I have more of this?!” Seriously! Where is the excitement
and the curiosity. I thought scientist like data. Yeah, there’s insufficient
data there, but there’s a whole hell of a lot of data there! People say, show
me the video! There it is! Multiple videos, from multiple cameras, chasing the
same object, on multiple radar imaging systems to boot. The aircraft are tracking it.
Eyes are on it. The Nimitz Carrier Fleet is tracking it. You would think this alone would be enough!
A hundred objects flew over the Whitehouse in the 50’s… “Nothing to see here.
Go on about your business…”
We have more reasonable
evidence for a thing than it takes to put a man in jail. Seriously, a man could
go to jail on witness testimony alone. Don’t believe? How many men have been
released after twenty years or more of being incarcerated only to have DNA evidence
exonerate them? The questions is no longer “are there aliens and are they here,”
but “what next?”
And it’s complicated
question. Part of it is, what do we do with all the government agencies, black
op or not, and private industrial sectors that have participated in, and quite
probably broke all legal bounds in terms of
collecting and withholding information, with profit being the most
likely motivator. No oversight usually means abuse. It doesn’t have to mean
that. It could be some people were genuinely looking out for the rest of us. We
just have insufficient information for conclusions. Good or bad, a general
amnesty is likely going to have to be implemented before full disclosure can
You may ask, if the
aliens are there, why haven’t they helped us and ended this game. Well, Star
Trek’s Prime Directive is probably the best analogy here. Aliens likely have
more ethics than Hollywood entertains. If they’re here, and if they meant us
harm, there isn’t squat we can do about that. They could nuke us from orbit,
drop a comet or asteroid on us and we quietly go the way of the dinosaurs, or a million things we might not even known enough to consider. If you're millions of years more advanced, they could push a damn easy button and be done with us. The assumption is, we're here because they care, or they're interested.
That could change.
Imagine for a moment,
technology continues to advance. Like in Star Trek, at some point we would have
warp drive. Now, we’re going to meet folks. If they’re here, and we’re not
ready to be out there, they may interfere with that. Are we ready to be out
there? We can’t get along with our species who live just down the street. Are we
ready? We’re still bickering over resources, going to wars, destroying the biosphere
in multiple ways… Are we ready?
Imagine if you will,
telepathy is real. Imagine for a moment, everyone on Earth is suddenly, instantaneously,
simultaneously telepathic. We’re broadcasting and receiving 24-7- and we're all equally sovereign. Knowing what
you know about your own thoughts, would you be favored or out of favor? I
imagine after such an event, half the world would be dead from either murder or
suicide. We’re really not geared for the truth. Most abduction stories include
telepathy in the narrative. They know us better than we think. They may know us better than we are capable of thinking. Consider the reports from fighter
pilots who have locked on and are considering opening fire when suddenly the UFO’s responds before
the pilot touches the button, as if it had predicted or anticipated the move. It’s as if they knew in advanced what the pilot
intended, and they got out of the way. Telepathy is on the table, whether that is a biological aspect we have yet to fully develop or understand, or it's a technological feat. We are going to have to come to grips with this in some form or fashion.
Now, imagine, as I have
invited you to, that tech becomes so great, and so abundantly cheap and
everyone has access, you have the ability to make a spaceship in your garage and
leave Earth at any time. I guarantee you, I have a spaceship, I am gone. I
suspect a lot of people would go. There would be a mass exodus. If we’re
trigger happy on the Earth, then that could be a serious concern for aliens.
Not a threat, per say… But let’s say 3 billion people suddenly leave Earth,
looking for a homestead… Do you remember the old west? Remember the movie "Explorers" where the kids got the download to build force-fields space travelling bubbles, down-laded into their dreams? Cheap, affordable, antigravity, space travel is just around the corner and people will carry pocket spaceships the same way Pokémon players have pocket monsters.
Now, add to this
equation- time travel. Not only can we travel in space with our homebuilt spaceship, but you can
travel through time. Space-time are fundamentally linked, probably the same
thing, and if you can travel in one, you can travel in the other. Now, 3
billion new space time travelers come on line and they want to go back into
time to live their lives in an era they imagine was a better place and time in
history… That would be a serious threat to our time line. The great filter in
the Drake’s equation doesn’t account for this. Societies that reach a point in
their history where time travel is now feasible, and they go back and create a paradox
where they block their species from even coming into existence, or, suddenly, they fortify their history. The Great Silence isn't because there are no alien civilizations, but rather all sentient species come to a technological threshold where time travel is not only inevitable, but necessary for their survival, and they rewrite their history, pushing their 'noisy' period so far back no new civilization would detect them.
We’re facing this dilemma.
Right now. Blowing ourselves up with nukes, not likely. But when the world
knows that any high school kid in his garage can build a time machines with
materials that were available to HG Wells, you got a serious existential problem.
We can't stop people from going into schools and shooting unarmed kids. How the hell do you stop people from going back in time and writing it to suit their fancy? The Prime Directive isn’t the only reasons why aliens might not interfere. They
may want to watch to see what we do with ourselves. How we treat ourselves is a test. How we treat our future selves, well, we seem to be flunking that test, too. And now, new equation, how do you treat the people of the past? We could be reinventing
ourselves right now, and not even knowing it. Maybe the aliens are us, from the
future. Maybe every bad thing we are going through now is just growing pains. Not one of us alone knows enough to answer this; this kind of sophisticated interaction will require a community mind, a group decision. We need a lot more people practicing compassion, forgiveness, and love.
Before the birth of my
son, 5 years ago, if you had given me a time machine, I would have rewritten my
history. I would have changed world history. Now, I would relive my life a million
times over, as bad as I thought it was, a million and again without changing
a thing just so I could meet my son. That’s love. Time travel is the
equation that is not factored into any of this. Our time travels stories still lack sophistication because we're not use to practicing this story sense. "City on the Edge of Forever" was likely one of the best episodes of original Trek ever. If all beings had the ability
to time travel, even within their own world line- meaning, you could
communicate to your younger self to go right instead of left, then that could,
in theory result in you not existing. That is assuming you are the culmination
of all your prior experiences. If you believe the poets and the metaphysicists,
you may not be who you think you are, but that does not mean your present
experiences and or history is not important. Every time you played a game and
reset it, you learned something.
If you want to know why
the aliens haven’t contacted us in a big way yet, well, the answer is both
complex, and simply: Love.
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