consciousness, aliens, and time delays

I write about some ‘crazy’ things from time to time. I would like to imagine this will be the craziest thing I will ever put out there. Bear in mind, I am not the origin point for most of what I am about to share. I am going to draw in some of these vectors and see if you, the reader, can come up with the same conclusions. So, if you’re turned off by legit science, and aliens, and movies, and conspiracy theories, save yourself some time going any further, because this is going to the deep end.

Let’s start with the science part. This needs to be on the table. It’s spooky. It’s real. And it’s not quantum physics. Well, it may be if you considered everything that is is connected somehow, but it’s not. I am not even saying ‘quantum physics’ just to say ‘quantum physics’ so that this thing I am composing sounds more legit or even half way sane. This thing is real science and it bothers people so much that they can’t think about it:

There is absolute proof that there's a time delay between the brain deliberating and making decision and you becoming consciously aware of said thing happening. I am not making that up. Google ‘brain scanners know what your decisions will be.”  Here’s an actual link.

Depending on your source, this time lag will be anywhere from millisecond to ten seconds. “Who's in Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain” book by Michael Gazzaniga, is one of my sources. He’s a professor of psychology. The average number I find the most is three seconds, but think just how big three seconds is. One. Mississippi. Two. Mississippi’s.  Three. Mississipi’s. Boom, you’re now thinking you did something or had a thought of your own.  No! You didn’t. It happened in the past. It was up loaded into your conscious awareness. You think you did something, but YOU didn’t do it. fMRI technicians can tell you what you decided before you decided, and it will mess with your world more profoundly than that time Ouija Board spelled out your name.

Table that for a now. Pretend for a moment, aliens are real, and they’re here, like that Nimitz Navy pilot reported when they released his video of him chasing the now famous ‘tic tac’ artifact. Okay, maybe it’s not aliens, but seriously, it’s aliens, but for the sake of arguing, just pretend for a moment that this is aliens, and we have been seeing artifacts like this since World War II, the Foo Fighters. An interesting phenomena that accompanies this ‘high strangeness’ is that the UFOs, yes, whether you consider them aliens or not, they are by definition UFO’s, seem to be able to respond to the pilots chasing them as if they could read our minds. If the pilot acquires weapon lock and has permission to open fire, the craft will move before he depresses the button. The craft will fly steady and then suddenly change position when the pilot decides to pull closer, go up or under, as if it had anticipated a response it shouldn't been able to predict.
Maybe this is telepathy. Maybe it’s lag time in consciousness. Maybe it’s both. If we are actually making decisions in real time but being conscious of that decision lags real time, then there are some real ‘weird’ possibilities that can occur. I’d like to refer you back to Gazzaniga, but you can find other sources for this thing: there appears to be an equivalent of an interpreter module in the brain, probably primarily left hemisphere, which tries to explain reality. You witness an event, real time, but the conscious conclusion of what you experienced is fiction 3 to 10 seconds after the fact, or in Gazzaniga’s words, ‘confabulation' after the fact.

So, let’s say you’re walking with friends and you look up and you see a UFO, and you go on about your business, talking with your friends. Maybe all of you saw it. It was there, then it was gone, but because it doesn’t fit your known reality, your brain decided to edit that from your conscious memory. This is not a new phenomenon either. It’s not new age. Its science, it’s been proven to be true by anthropologists. The theory goes, the Native Americans couldn’t see Columbus’s ships because they had never seen one. People have to be educated to see things. So, for example, if you showed a photograph of family to a tribal person who had never seen a photograph, they likely wouldn’t see the people in the photograph until they were taught to do so. There are quite few stories of people who witnessed UFO’s that had the ‘strangest’ urge to turn around and walk away, and they would be bothered by this because they ‘felt’ compelled to do so. Maybe they were telepathically urged to, or maybe their brain was trying to protect them by having them turn and go to the house because its dinner time, because, seriously, mere cats don’t have to actually see the hawk, the shadow passing overhead is enough to say, ‘oh, time to go,’ and then the interpreter module kicks in, ‘it was just dinner time,’ but sometimes the rest of the information leaks into the conscious mind and the person is left wondering, ‘why did I walk away from that?’

But hang on. I am not through weaving in strangeness. Ever heard of Deja-Vu? Oh, I hope so, because I really don’t want to go over this again. Sorry, little joke. Ever had the feeling you’ve done something before? Is Morpheus right? There was a glitch in the Matrix? Like the Matrix, you do live in a simulated Universe- your brain the computer, and you, the conscious you, lives in a virtual recreation of the world, and you get up loads. Anything you are consciously aware of was uploaded into that virtual space. Your brain may have deliberated over something, maybe even simulated to determine best outcomes before you got the upload. The more it deliberates, the more likely you get the flavor of 'DeJa Vu!' And if you believe Anthony Peake, you may have actually done something multiple times before you're even aware! Maybe the reason for a time delay is so you have a save point so you can redo something to fit your preferred script. This is the part the Secret leaves out, you get what you get because you got what you want. Self fulfilling prophecy. That's just a perspective. Well, I want to take you to a different movie, a different metaphor. Probably the most spectacular movie ever, completely underrated, didn’t do too well at the box office, but super movie, great sound track, great acting, great colors, tons of sophisticated, subtle humor, and in plain sight, metaphysical underpinnings:  1990 “Joe Vrs. The Volcano” starring Tom Hanks and Mega Ryan.

Clearly, I am biased. I loved this movie. If you haven’t seen it, this is a spoiler, unless you don’t notice things, and then this will be a helpful guide. If you did see it, and you noticed this, YAY you. Most people I talk to didn’t notice this. Alright, movies starts off with Joe walking from the parking lot into the factory where he works, to the song “I owe my soul to the company store.’ Dull colors. People are zombies. (And if you read Gazzaniga’s book, he is very clear, humans are zombies, there is no free will, no ‘I’ making the shots, no homunculus in the brain, no ghost in the machine. (I don’t share this conclusion, but I like the science in the book.)) Notice the path from the parking lot to the factory. It’s a specific, jagged pattern. It happens to be the same symbol for the company logo. This symbol will pop up everywhere. ‘Graynamore,’ played by Lloyd Bridges, breaks Joe’s apartment with his cane, and that pattern appears in the wall. The lightening that sinks Patricia’s boat, played by Meg Ryan, takes the shapes of that logo. The path up the volcano is also that pattern! Hang on to that. (Yes, be excited, we’re coming back to this. (Yes, I accept, I may be having a bout of mania, but the thing is, I have never been diagnosed bipolar, and I actually diagnose people for a living, and I don’t even use drugs! (Maybe I should.)))

Meg Ryan plays three characters in this movie. Specially, she plays DeDe, a secretary in Joe’s office, and Angelica, Patricia’s estranged and strange sister, and Patricia Graynamore. Now, clearly Angelica and Patricia could be twins, but that makes DeDe a little difficult to explain, unless Mr. Graynamore happens to be sowing some seeds. There is no evidence for that in movie itself. There is evidence for strangeness. Joe breaks his ‘script,’ quits work, and asks DeDe out, and while talking to her he reveals, “have we met before? I feel like I have always known you.” There several other actors in the movie that are playing ‘different’ characters. The metaphysical path for this is clear, and seems to be the story the movie is selling, that we have spirits and we incarnate, and can even incarnate within the same time frame. From an alien perspective, maybe they’re clones. Graynamore- timeless? One of the rich elites who never ages. More on that, Patricia says, when speaking of her dad, “Father says that almost everyone is asleep…” Zombies. Us making decisions in real time, but not being aware of it till afterwards, and even then what we’re actually experiencing is fiction- the dream.

Still with me? Here are some stills… I am not sure if the still will come out in the post, so if they don’t, google ‘symbol in joe vrs the volcano’ and click on images… This is important. You need to see this:

Alight and now look at this

These images are the Vril Society’s symbol. If you can’t see them. Google Vril society symbol, and or Vril mediums, or Maria, and then images…

Maybe I am completely reaching. It’s not a perfect match, but it’s close enough that the Vril pattern could be a portion of the Joe pattern. ‘Joe Vrs The Volcano’ is about aliens! The movie is metaphysical in nature, just fast forward to being on the ocean alone, he sees the constellations in real time, the moon becomes bigger than life. The moon bigger than life blew me away, it was so powerful seeing that on the big screen- I was mesmerized. I had chills. With nothing else to compare the moon to but the horizon and the water, the moon would be ‘bigger than life’ in the conscious mind. Do this, this is science, go take a picture of the moon on the horizon, and then again later that night when it’s overhead. The moon in both pics will be the same size. The moon overhead is about the right 'apparent' size, most the time, even if you can't 'see' it. 'You' never see it.

We don’t see what we think we see most the time. Even when we see things, we don’t see things! If you saw Joe, did you see the pattern? How many of your friends noticed that? Then, add the time component! Most the time, the thing we’re experiencing happened in the past, literally in the past. We live on auto pilot 99 percent of the time. The unconscious mind has more power over us than the conscious mind. Just ask Milton Ericson, hypnotist. Well, read his books. He wrote that statement down. If you had the fortune, or misfortune, to being in a serious accident, maybe you also experienced ‘time slowing down’ phenomena. What if that wasn’t time slowing down as much as your consciousness became aligned with the real time frame?!

And so now, I am going to bring this all together…

What if, oh I have been dying to phrase a question this way all my life, “what if ancient alien theorists” are right- that there are aliens, and we are their genetic creations. Maybe we’re clones. Maybe we’re androids. Maybe they’re around us everywhere, but we can’t see them because we aren’t operating in real time! Mediums aren’t channeling: they’re in the room with you! Maybe we don’t see them because they have cloaking tech, or maybe because our brains have been wired to edit stuff out before uploading it into conscious!

Joe Vrs. The Volcano is about aliens! Graynamore. Maybe that’s the immortals, rich bastards that are in control of the world. Or maybe, Graynamore means the aliens don’t want to be Grays, they want to be humans! There are multiple copies of us because there is limited configuration of genes to make humans. That, and there are popular models. Seriously, who wouldn’t want multiple copies of Meg Ryan? We are the Grays, playing the ‘Sims’ in human bodies. Think about this- when you watch a football game, there is a time delay. In football, the time delay is usually 25 seconds. Yes, you’re not watching games in real time, and you aren’t even aware that’s not in real time by the delay of your brain uploading your experience into your consciousness after the damn fact! This way, if something bad happens, or someone cusses, or someone in the audience moons the camera, the mediators can bleep out sounds, or change the channel feed, so the public isn’t offended or sees something odd. (Maybe you know the football game is not in real time, but think about this, if you know that, but you’re celebrating a play, you just did a wave and you didn’t even know you did a wave, out sync with the other wavers.) We’re having delayed conscious awareness so that the stories we’re telling ourselves, our gaming experience, has unified contextual consistency! Joe is the embodiment of humans becoming aware, waking up. The closer we are to waking up, the closer we are to operating in real time. Joe sees himself as a victim, but this part is the most crucial part, he wasn’t a victim of Graynamore or his circumstances, but to his beliefs. We the Grays become human, but, ironically, we our spending our lives, in words of Joe, trying to get ‘away from the things of man.” Things of man? FICTION!

Just a thought. Told you, I am weird. J


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