Poop Dreams

UGH! Yes, these things exist. Everybody poops. Quite a few of us just do this without thought. We would like to not give it any consideration, so much so, it is a rare movie or TV that actually gives the toilet some air time- and when it does get it, there is usually humor involved.

Dream symbols are not universal. There are some common dominators, but if you come to my office to break down a dream, we're likely going to spends sessions sorting meaning. Your meaning. Not mine. Not society's. Not one of a dozen dream books. A person who loves snakes and has pet snakes will likely have a different Map-Key for the symbol of snakes than a person who is so fearful of snakes they won't even go to the zoo for fear of seeing one. I met such a woman, once. She was distraught about a dream where she was being bitten by snakes. I hadn't even asked her a single question when she interjected "And I love snakes! I have pet snakes." And as she rambled on, she slowly divulged how she had been feeling betrayed by her husband's and family actions and words towards her over the last year and I interjected, just as slick as you please, "Oh. So, you're being bitten by snakes?"

She was quiet. Tears started to flow. Gold.

This does not make me the Guardian of Dreams. I get stuff that even I am like, WTF?! I do know this: The subconscious mind gets a chance to speak to us in dreams. It frequently does not use words, but uses symbols, memes, and movement- like a film strip, like flip book. It likes puns. So, on one occasion, after having a pleasant get away, a dream had me tripping and falling, but it was pleasant and I didn't get hurt but it was a long fall, enough to get your attentions, and when i woke I was like- WTF. Oh, we had a nice trip. There you go. I agree, Subby. I am glad you enjoyed it, too.

Subby is not my pet name for the subconscious. I don't know where that came from, but it's funny and I am leaving it there and will like consider it further as a new meme. You see, I don't like calling it unconscious or subconscious and i want a new word for my dearest, most intimate friend. It goes with me everywhere. It suffers with me. It likely suffers because of me! Now. I am aware that sub isn't a derogatory term. I have discussed this, but I am assuming you don't know me and don't read me, and so- I am catching you up. A submarine isn't a lesser boat. A Dom/Sub relationships is not what I am saying I hold with myself. That would be a funny meme to dream about. If anything, the subconscious/unconscious has tremendous powers and in a battle of wills, it would win hands down, every time. I submit to the power of Oz.

All of that to hand you poop. If you want the hush word, SH.... Just substitute it in where you find it appropriate. In waking life, this next bit would be so disturbing to most that it has the potential of making you sick. If you are that, go away now. I am one of those people, and I would like to go away now with you, but the thing is, no matter where I go, there I am, so i am going to face this present darkness in very Jungian way- the same way I am trying to elicit compassion for the people involve with all the new Star Trek related 'things' and for the darkness they have submitted to- against the wishes of the Great Bird. Seriously, there are videos with people eating poop- they get off to eating and watching and I am like vomiting... I am talking like two girls and cup video. Or the videos watching people watching the same... Yeah. People!

So, I had this dream. Someone said there is poop on your teeth, and on the back of your throat, and you should see a doctor. I immediate went to brush my teeth. I was examining all the teeth, and cleaning them, and making sure I got it all, and wondering where the hell it was coming from, and wondering how I get it off the back of my throat, and gargling. In the dream I was wondering if I had eaten so much it had come out the wrong end...

Then I woke up. I was like, WTF?! Seriously? My first explanation was, "You're full of poop!" Shhh, not so loud. 'What did I do now; grievously lie to someone?' People do lie, and I am no exception, but this did not feel like the thing. It is extremely true that in my present situation I am choking back a lot of emotional responses in order to avoid disparagingly attacking another human being. I am angry with this person. It is my belief they have been and are continuing to be, increasingly so, unreasonable- and yet, when i lightly bring up my feelings the tables are flipped and I am being unreasonable. If I lightly say i have a grievance, as opposed to the way I would have in the past- by blowing things up- then I assure you that I am walking fiery eggshells in an overt effort to maintain civil discourse. I could spin hours lamenting and grieving and trying to spell this out for you the reader, but suffice it to say, grievance do not end with the divorce when there is a child involved. My heart is aching, and I am not as wise as that woman in the bible that gave up her right to her child because Solomon's solution was to cut the creature in half. That has the path I have been navigating, trying to do it with love and surrender. So many battles i could have won, but this war has 13 more years, and it's not looking like roses.

I find that second explanation plausible. Since as far back as I remember, into childhood even, I walked on eggshells with family. Shame and humiliation was often employed as a control mechanism for maintain compliance with the family secrets and agendas. I carry that to this day, struggling with boundaries of right versus self interest versus what's good for the group, and a constant nagging fear I have done something wrong, even when I have done nothing, and I am just waiting to be punished for some unforgiveable sin. That's some poop, too. How can you speak that without sounding like a whining fool? Men, traditionally, have been told to eat it and go on with life. We've eased some, at least in terms of 'allowance within the social domain,' but in whole scale practice- we are not there yet.

Poop dream can also mean affluence. Flowers grow from manure. In this circle of life, there is no part that is not needed to maintain the continuity of flow. Since 2016, I have been dedicated to writing on a daily basis. I am mostly interested in writing fiction. I am wanting to share my inner life with my companion Loxy, and our associated friends in the many worlds that we visit. I have been self publishing, mostly because in the past I was not successful navigating the traditional forms- which likely also reflected my abilities at the time. I am still growing in terms of writing. I have seen progress, and anyone who reads my books from 2004 to present will see progress. I have decided to once again to try and become traditionally published. I have begun contacting agents. I sent two queries yesterday. I was immediately pinged back with "Not accepting any unsolicited materials at this time..." (What the hell is a query if not a solicitation? Do I have to learn a new Fing hand shake?) I will attempt to contact publishers when I a grow weary of agents. Anyway, I am now speaking my poop. I am putting my money where my mouth is? I am hoping this dream means that my voice will spread fuel for growth and flowers to bloom.

I have evidence for my work touching the lives of others. That is likely the best form of payment. It would also be nice to eat, and pay bills. I am a father, after all- who is about to experience separation from family. I have had that all my life, but I have a five year old who will be moving to California with his mother. I am obligated to child support. It's not a punishment- this not a complaint. The obligation would be there, whether there was a state agency involved in legally defining my role in this or not. But this also limits me in my ability to participate. In many ways, it minimizes my role as father to the bare minimum- the 600 dollars a month. I live in Texas. There are future events in my son's life that I will miss because I will have to chose work over event. There are times in a son's life when they need their father- there is no other substitute. There are all kinds of ways of shackling people and limiting them. There are things actually more important than money, and I could theoretically have chosen homeless on a beach to be in closer proximity to son, or a Monk want-to-be in Thailand with a bowl- in my dreams, in real life I wouldn't survive a week, except I am good with whatever food gets in the bowl even if its mixed stuff that don't mix and cold- or maybe a Winnebago home... But the state will want me to meet the standard they have established legally, with legal consequences for failure.

It's a bitter pill to swallow.  Oh. It isn't a pill... It's SHHH...


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