UFOs, lies, and damn lies

So, this morning's thoughts are brought to you compliments of Coast to Coast. These are thoughts I have held in the past, but am revisiting today because of the interview with James Clarkson I listened to on the way to work. It was uploaded to youtube sept 6, 2019, but the original airdate was in 2015. I get it. It's old news. UFOs are old news. I get the sense people don't want to hear about it or discuss it, even after the unprecedented release of the US government admitting to tracking unexplained aero phenomena. But there are some things that just hit me to a core, and I find it a little disturbing. Here's the youtube link:


James reference 1997 events. There were two events that he references that thought was absolutely profound. And I think they're linked.

The first event was the Phoenix Lights incident. Whether you believe in UFO's or not, and whether you think it was flares or not, here is something that should at least make you wonder about how and when you get news. So, the incident happened in March, 2017. It was a big deal. Tens of thousands of witnesses. Unless you were in Arizona, or had family in Arizona, you likely did not learn of this event until June, when USA Today made a front page story on the incident. That same day, my local Dallas channel gave it probably 30 seconds air time, and were making jokes about it. It may not have even been thirty seconds. Thirty seconds is huge, in terms of air time. I didn't like the joking, which was contemptuous and scornful of people who witnessed something.

It wasn't flares. Flares don't ping in on radar as anything substantial. ATC had it on radar. Aircraft on final approach to Phoenix International had it on radar. An American Airline plane was told to go around. Because of flares? How long do flares hover? How many flares can you shoot and have stay in formation? All the flares I have seen leave smoke trails. Where were the smoke trails? How long did the incident last? Almost an hour? How long do flares last? Oh, these must have been the super high tech flares that fly in formation and give the illusion to being larger objects than they actually are.

But forgetting all of that, the conclusion I made on reading this was that the secret keepers can't keep that many witnesses silent. They had to give it news time to shut people up. The NEWS aired it, downplayed it, and asked us to go back to sleep.

We did.

Later that year, the US government gave what it said would be it's final release of information on the Roswell incident. Mind you, they also said that in 1994, when they released information on the Roswell incident. In 1994, they simply restated 'it was a balloon.' Previously a weather balloon that was mistaken for a advanced spaceship being down, because, yes, our military boys who fly airplanes can't distinguish between balloon and an advanced avionic piece equipment, was updated to be a special military balloon. In 1997, the additional release of information was that in addition to the balloon, there were mannequins that were there to test parachutes from high altitude releases.

So, basically, in short, the US Governments wants you to believe that the farmer that first found the 'alien wreckage' could not discern between living flesh and a crash test dummy? Seriously? Aren't most government owned items marked, "Property of the US military?" No writing on the balloon envelope, basket, dummies, parachute, or anything like that to identify it as US military? Farmer sees plastic dummies sticking out of an envelope, because if it's a balloon, there would be some kind of material, flapping in the wind, got all panicky, called the army, army shows up and agrees with his assessment, 'we got down ufo.' Seriously? Either people were incredibly stupid at the time, crash test dummies that didn't make the cut? or they were going for a hoax, or, something really did crash.

Either way, there are lies here. No matter how cut it, flat out lies. Porject Bluebook was disbanded. The government said they closed down the project because there was nothing here worth exploring. Well, that's a lie. Even if one percent of the 'incidents' they investigated was unexplainable, that is one percent of something that might be worth exploring? Fast forward to the year 2018, when the US Government reports that it has spent millions of US Tax payers money on unexplained aero phenomena. So, they lied? Project Bluebook didn't end, it just switched departments and project names. Interesting. In addition to releasing information about the ongoing investigation, they released footage of Navy pilots chasing objects. It's called the Tic Tac. It defies description and defies the laws of physics. So, they're chasing something, eyes on it, cameras on it, radar on it, and they say, 'oh, by the way, we stop researching because there is nothing here worth exploring."

Well, that's a damn lie. You got something in the air that outmaneuvers our pilots, out performs our tech, no visible signs of propulsion, and for the first time in history, reporters are actually asking the right questions without scorn or ridicule, but they will bring on experts, like Tyson, who i like, but he says something to the effect "It's nothing... go back to sleep." Seriously? How is it that credible scientist aren't saying, 'that's kind of interesting. Give me more of that!" or "That's spooky. What the heck is that?" I love science. I love knowing things. There is something there that doesn't make sense, and so either- the US NAVY faked those videos, or it's something worth looking into? Not weather. Not flares.

Here in lies one of the biggest problems with lying to people for so long. One version of chicken little is he convinces everyone to run right into the foxes den because the sky was falling. The other version, well, the sky was falling and no one took it seriously until the thing landed and it ate them. I don't think something from another planet has come all this way just to eat us. Makes for a good Twilight Zone episode, but seriously, if you can travel interstellar, you're probably sophisticated enough you don't go eating foreign species. We've been lied too so much as a population by a paternalistic state that think it knows better than us, and maybe they do, I don't know, but now, if they need us to stand up and be at attention, what they will have is a whole lot of apathy.

Well, maybe not a hundred percent. Some people sign up to storm area 51. That's not apathy. It's not sane, but, well, at least it's something.


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