Aliens Versus Crazy

I am a real life, mental health professional. I am licensed and everything. I assess people for mental health. If I use the vernacular, I know crazy when I see it. After all, it takes one to know one, right? Crazy is all kinds of inappropriate in terms of actually expressing mental health issues. I, personally, have experienced dysthymia, with episodic intermittent Major Depression.. I have had counseling through out the years, usually long enough to plateau, go away for a while, come back and work some more. Few people get transpersonal experiences that make them perfectly healthy all at once and forever. I think most people work in stages, and also, it's a continuum and there are good days and bad days.

I believe in Aliens. That in and of itself does not qualify for a Mental Health (MH) diagnosis. People are allowed to hold beliefs. A belief could be irrational, but holding one doesn't have to be irrational. One could have weighed evidence. One could be wrong about evidence without being diagnosable with a MH label.

A person could hold a MH diagnosis, let's say Bipolar for example, and could be manic, in a hyper-religious state of mind, delusional, and could believe in aliens... which may be, given the context of other symptoms and setting- such as a hospital- just further evidence of MH. That would be starkly different than say a Naval Military pilot telling a reporter, "I was chasing an UAP at nearly Mach 1, through 50,000 feet when I reached my ceiling and it continued on up to 80,000 feet in like four seconds, hovered, and then shot back to the ocean surface, beating me back and came to a complete halt, 10 feet above surface of the water..." Probably not delusional. Especially if gun-footage and radar added to the testimony. His conclusion about the experience could be wrong.

Not bloody likely. But could be.

I have mistaken Venus for an object. I convinced others, specifically my neighbors, it was an object. The contextual evidence that fed into my mistake were a number of helicopters flying low around my neighborhood. I don't believe they were police helicopters. If they were searching for something, they were doing so without lights. That's weird, right? I got pictures of them, and they were going in circles and the circles were moving as if they were following an object. Interestingly, other people reported this same thing and MUFON logged an incident report.

On the next night, Venus returned and I had to reconsider my experience. I still had the helicopters to explain, but Venus was Venus. You can actually see that, as I uploaded it youtube. Even a mistake is worth noting, so people can learn discernment in identifying patterns and structures. I worked at DFW airport for 24 years. I have seen many planes come and go. I was an aircraft mechanic, even worked at Phoenix International. I am pretty good with airplanes. I was an armature astronomer. I still make mistakes.

The government could be wrong. Maybe they wasted hundred of millions of dollars pursuing things in the sky that are nothing. I doubt it. There are times when I think the 'government' is bat shit crazy. I don't think its possible to diagnoses the government as a single entity, but damn, i wonder about some of the decisions they make.

And now, in this day and age- it's down to that. The US Government is taking UAPs, formally known as UFOs seriously. They've admitted to it. Bigelow, rich guy and government contractor for NASA and Military, clearly stated in 60 minutes- "They're here. Government knows." He isn't loosing contracts for stating as much. Other Governments have released files admitting they also are saying 'they're here.' So, clarity is coming. There will be a final, unambiguous final statement, 'aliens are real and they are here.'

What does that world look like? Though there is more acceptance, if a lay person said aliens are real and here, they would be that crazy alien person. If I say it, depending on where I say it, there could be laughs, or I could be fired. "We can't have crazy people diagnosing crazy people?" Why not? How do you suppose I have such good rapport with my clients?

I am looking forward to that day when family, friends, adversaries all apologies for giving me so much hell. Ticker feed at the bottom of the News Channel, "John was right: news at 11." No, that would be crazy.


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