Enlightment Now
Warning, reading this could change your life. That's not bait click, you're already here. Just don't read on if you seriously like your life. There is no money exchanged here. No secrets prompting you to go further or deeper. You'll either get it, or you won't. You'll either be closer, or you won't. This is will require language, symbolic and not, a blending of metaphor and literal, and you got to learn which is which and when to switch and how to use it to shift your perspective. If one person can do it, anyone can do it. You don't have to meditate for forty years plus, be a guru, be touched, be chosen, be lucky, pay an exuberant amount of money, have a friend bring you in... You just have to do it.
If you google enlightenment, you will find a myriad of gurus and ways. I am not a guru. I am on the path. Everyone is on the path. Even off the path is still a path. Wiki offers instructions: 1- be present. 2- stop trying to escape your life. 3- practice mindfulness. 4- engage your senses. 5- practice non judgment of your thoughts and others. 6- express your gratitude.... and that's all included in step one. You may find this thing I am about to impart easier than even that- maybe harder.
We will start with the easy part. Turn on your television to a non-channel, non signal. Not a static scene. That's a signal. The static, snowflakey field is actually the hum of the universe. I want you to see the black screen of null-signal, like you might if you select input on your remote control and go to the designated HDMI 1 channel. I want you to observe the black there, the black you see before the game console comes on. do this in a dark room.
Notice the screen is on, but it is black. It's not off. It's dark, but not shadow. It's an illuminated darkness. TV off is different than this screen.
Go sit down on the couch, preferably in a dark room, or have a towel to cover your eyes. Close your eyes, cover them with the towel. Pitch dark. Maybe you see blackness, or purple swirls. Don't press. Just realize the darkness.
You are not seeing darkness. You don't see with your eyes, you see with your brain, and that darkness is the brain's projection of darkness on a screen. That darkness is a light. You are the light. There is no darkness. This is truth. You accept as a biological, traditional scientific, non metaphysical paradigm- as long as your brain is on, there is light. Going to sleep is not off. Death if off. Is the refrigerator light on when you close the door- not the right analogy here. Your car idles at 700 to 800 rpms. You drive at a 1,000 or 1,200 rpms. Brains is either in idle, or performance speed, or switching gears. Best dreams- inner visions- idle, playing a sport of a video game, performance speed. You can clock in at different speeds for different activities.
Plato's cave analogy applied here make sense. You think you are chained to your body, but really, you're in the matrix of your mind. Eyes closed, you're in the dark light of the mind, the womb- and now the questions becomes- now that you can see this is just night-light of your existence, what can you make out.
When you're in the trenches, it can be difficult discerning best paths for navigating hazards. From the mountain top, you can see the whole of the terrain and think, oh, i should have gone that way... There is a metaphor there, perspective base. Mountain life isn't led in the same way that trench life is led. Use the appropriate metaphor for where you are.
Right now, as you take in a breath of air- are you safe? Are you safe enough you can sit down, close your eyes- and learned to see in the dark? People can see through echo-location. Blind people who have never seen can learn this ability and navigate a room of obstacles better than a see person. Your brain is on, the space where we form the world is simply waiting to give rise to that thing. Your heart is a light. It is the most intense light your body transmit. It radiates upwards of ten feet away, if you accept the data from HeartMath, or Doctor Paul Pearsall. Astronomers can map out the sky using radio-astronomy. Can you map out the world around you with your heart light?
Ever felt like someone was staring at you from behind and your turn to discover someone was? Did that information come by sound? Or is your heart aware of things that you usually don't attend to because the other senses overwhelmed that. The subtle thresholds get washed out really quick. Close the eyes- it's not dark, it's just information that you have never taken the time to sort.
Your world view has changed. You are on the path. Paradigms and perspectives matter. A person who holds a victimization paradigm has weight, they tend to sink. Survivor paradigm usually as an upward trend. Which one are you? I am trending towards neutral, simply observing. That, too, leads to new information. The Universe is On, it's all light- and we are one with that Light. Go be light.
If you google enlightenment, you will find a myriad of gurus and ways. I am not a guru. I am on the path. Everyone is on the path. Even off the path is still a path. Wiki offers instructions: 1- be present. 2- stop trying to escape your life. 3- practice mindfulness. 4- engage your senses. 5- practice non judgment of your thoughts and others. 6- express your gratitude.... and that's all included in step one. You may find this thing I am about to impart easier than even that- maybe harder.
We will start with the easy part. Turn on your television to a non-channel, non signal. Not a static scene. That's a signal. The static, snowflakey field is actually the hum of the universe. I want you to see the black screen of null-signal, like you might if you select input on your remote control and go to the designated HDMI 1 channel. I want you to observe the black there, the black you see before the game console comes on. do this in a dark room.
Notice the screen is on, but it is black. It's not off. It's dark, but not shadow. It's an illuminated darkness. TV off is different than this screen.
Go sit down on the couch, preferably in a dark room, or have a towel to cover your eyes. Close your eyes, cover them with the towel. Pitch dark. Maybe you see blackness, or purple swirls. Don't press. Just realize the darkness.
You are not seeing darkness. You don't see with your eyes, you see with your brain, and that darkness is the brain's projection of darkness on a screen. That darkness is a light. You are the light. There is no darkness. This is truth. You accept as a biological, traditional scientific, non metaphysical paradigm- as long as your brain is on, there is light. Going to sleep is not off. Death if off. Is the refrigerator light on when you close the door- not the right analogy here. Your car idles at 700 to 800 rpms. You drive at a 1,000 or 1,200 rpms. Brains is either in idle, or performance speed, or switching gears. Best dreams- inner visions- idle, playing a sport of a video game, performance speed. You can clock in at different speeds for different activities.
Plato's cave analogy applied here make sense. You think you are chained to your body, but really, you're in the matrix of your mind. Eyes closed, you're in the dark light of the mind, the womb- and now the questions becomes- now that you can see this is just night-light of your existence, what can you make out.
When you're in the trenches, it can be difficult discerning best paths for navigating hazards. From the mountain top, you can see the whole of the terrain and think, oh, i should have gone that way... There is a metaphor there, perspective base. Mountain life isn't led in the same way that trench life is led. Use the appropriate metaphor for where you are.
Right now, as you take in a breath of air- are you safe? Are you safe enough you can sit down, close your eyes- and learned to see in the dark? People can see through echo-location. Blind people who have never seen can learn this ability and navigate a room of obstacles better than a see person. Your brain is on, the space where we form the world is simply waiting to give rise to that thing. Your heart is a light. It is the most intense light your body transmit. It radiates upwards of ten feet away, if you accept the data from HeartMath, or Doctor Paul Pearsall. Astronomers can map out the sky using radio-astronomy. Can you map out the world around you with your heart light?
Ever felt like someone was staring at you from behind and your turn to discover someone was? Did that information come by sound? Or is your heart aware of things that you usually don't attend to because the other senses overwhelmed that. The subtle thresholds get washed out really quick. Close the eyes- it's not dark, it's just information that you have never taken the time to sort.
Your world view has changed. You are on the path. Paradigms and perspectives matter. A person who holds a victimization paradigm has weight, they tend to sink. Survivor paradigm usually as an upward trend. Which one are you? I am trending towards neutral, simply observing. That, too, leads to new information. The Universe is On, it's all light- and we are one with that Light. Go be light.
I read once, that brain cells actually emit photons at the rate of three to four a minute, but I think that is different than what you are suggesting here. In fact, we, all, are made of light. It was light that was released from the nothingness before the big bang. (By the way, in my direct experience, it is still banging!) That said, the I, the you, in your essay, is a derivative of light. It is really "nothing". That's right, the I, the me, the you, all are really nothing. The being that I, and we, am, is light. I find tremendous freedom in that. Thanks, for the provocation. (as in thought provoking).