the crisis after the crisis- a call for nationally recognized licnesure.

In this time of crisis, we should also be considering the long term implications- and likely a national need for social workers and LPCs. It would help if licensed social workers and counselors were Federally recognized so that we can serve regardless of what state we're in.

Sort term, the implications are clear! Nurses and Doctors need to be able to transcend state boundaries.

People don't want to hear or talk about insurance change, and maybe the need for insurance policies that are consistent from state to state- I think that's needed, but not what I am asking for here.

People are dying, and they don't care if you're licensed in another state- they just want to be well. The after math of a health care system in crisis includes counseling for the care providers, counseling for those who are grieving, counseling for the unemployed- which by all estimates will be upwards of 30 percent of the population. There are states with an inappropriate distributions of counselors available. We may even need to counsel our military, who have likely been quarantined at sea or on bases, who will need access to counselors, even if that is through skype or telemed scenarios. To provide services, we will need to not be limited to our state boundaries.

The airlines are notorious for having rebuilt from crises by employing a term called 'tombstomb technology.' That means people had to die before systems and technology were implemented to help people. This is a crisis the WORLD has not experienced in modern times. There are people, myself included, who are ready and willing to serve. Most of us have the tools: what we don't have is recognition to extend our service beyond borders. Yes, I will have lots to do in my own state, and I am fortunately employed in that endeavor even now- but we don't want to forget states and people who have limited access.

Front line people are being mobilized, nurses are answering the call in New York and other hard hit areas. More of this is to come. Medical students were graduated early to meet the demand.

We, the social workers and counselors are also ready and wanting to serve.

May you all find strength and love to carry you through to the next moment.


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